You are invited to an informational meeting about Wastewater Pollution in Punta Banda
The Objective: To inform the English-speaking community in about the actions being taken to help in stopping pollution caused by wastewater discharges. (The sewage discharges do not directly affect the wells from which pila water trucks get their water for local pilas. However, anytime surface waters are contaminated by excessive pollution, any connection between surface waters and the underlying aquifer is a possible indirect source of contamination.)
Read about the issue HERE
The Where: Mama Bears Restaurant (km 11.5 Carr. La Bufadora, Punta Banda, 22794 Ensenada, B.C.)
The When: Thursday, May 30, from 5 PM to 6.30 PM
The Who: Sandra Moguel (Environmental Attorney) and Eva Bidegain (medical anthropologist)
The Agenda:
General Overview
What has been done
Next Steps
Please come to learn about the problem, what is being done and our community's role in the solution.
Thanks to Mama Bears for hosting this important event!