
The Least Terns Wrap Up A Successful Breeding Season, With Help From Locals
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

The Least Terns Wrap Up A Successful Breeding Season, With Help From Locals

This year marked a highly successful breeding season for the Least Tern at Punta Banda Estero. Pro Esteros staff, along with dedicated volunteers, undertook significant efforts to prepare the habitat for these small migratory birds, ensuring a safe and conducive environment for their nesting.

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Understanding the Ridgway’s Rail: A Battle Against an Invasive Threat
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Understanding the Ridgway’s Rail: A Battle Against an Invasive Threat

The Ridgway’s rail (Rallus obsoletus levipes) is a bird species protected in both Mexico and the United States. From 2016 to present, researchers studied the nesting habits and challenges faced by this species in the Estero de Punta Banda (Estero) in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. The study revealed crucial information about their nests, egg numbers, and hatching success, while also uncovering a hidden threat: the invasive Atlantic ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa).

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California Least Tern Chicks Banded at Lengueta Arenosa
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

California Least Tern Chicks Banded at Lengueta Arenosa

In late June of 2024, the California Least Tern chicks began hatching! And Pro Esteros biologists have been banding them as part of a crucial monitoring program for this endangered species.

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Punta Banda Strong: Help Wanted
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Punta Banda Strong: Help Wanted

Punta Banda Strong, initiated by Gary Woodruff, is a community-driven litter removal initiative focused on enhancing environmental and human well-being. We would like to have contests and prizes to help encourage people to participate, similar to what Punta Banda Strong has done in previous years, but are currently in need of someone to lead and organize this effort. We are actively seeking a dedicated individual to assist in promoting this valuable community program on behalf of the Punta Banda Conservation Alliance.

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Successful Restoration Season Concludes
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Successful Restoration Season Concludes

On June 21, 2024, Fauna del Noroeste and a dedicated local crew, including community volunteers, concluded a season of habitat restoration at the estuary. Over the past months, local volunteers have diligently removed iceplant from areas where it had invaded the dunes and marshes, displacing native plants. On Friday, the seasonal effort culminated as wheelbarrows were used to transport massive piles of dried iceplant to a dump truck for removal.

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Local Bird Guide: Birds of Todos Santos Bay and the Punta Banda Estuary
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Local Bird Guide: Birds of Todos Santos Bay and the Punta Banda Estuary

Thanks to the collaboration of multiple conservation organizations including two of our member organizations (Pro Esteros and Generation Green), a beautifully illustrated, easy to use, and durable bird guide is available for identifying 109 of the most commonly observed bird species on the Punta Banda peninsula.

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Shorebird Conservation Grants Available
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Shorebird Conservation Grants Available

Manomet launched in 2023 the Small Grants Program for conservation action and/or research that has measurable benefits for populations and species of shorebird restricted to the Neotropics (Latin America and the Caribbean)

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Snowy Plover Nest Update
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Snowy Plover Nest Update

Western Snowy Plovers are getting laid on our beach! Western snowy plover EGGS are being laid and hatching 🐣on Lengueta Arenosa (The Spit). The chicks are with their parents wandering the upper beach for 3 weeks. Until then they are VERY VULNERABLE to our curious dogs and to vehicles on the beach.

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Wastewater Pollution in Punta Banda
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Wastewater Pollution in Punta Banda

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, there was a presentation to inform the English-speaking community about the actions being taken to help in stopping pollution caused by wastewater discharges.

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Join Us in Conserving Our Coastal Treasure
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Join Us in Conserving Our Coastal Treasure

This Friday and Saturday, May 24 and 25, mark the final opportunity to take part in a vital conservation effort that has been the heart of our community for the past three weekends. We are calling on all nature enthusiasts, community members, and local heroes to unite for a cause that is not only crucial for our environment but also for the survival of the endangered California least tern.

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Western Snowy Plover Chicks on Baja Cove Beach
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Western Snowy Plover Chicks on Baja Cove Beach

Yesterday, 3 western snowy plover eggs hatched on Playa Dorado and the tiny little fluffballs were observed with their parents wandering the upper beach. That is 3 more out a world population of perhaps 5000! In three weeks they will be able to fly but until then they are VERY VULNERABLE to our curious dogs and to vehicles.

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2024 Border BioBlitz
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

2024 Border BioBlitz

On Sunday, May 4, biologists and others interested in local conservation participated in the Ensenada Border BioBlitz at our beautiful estuary, in spite of the rain. The Border BioBlitz is an extensive, annual community science endeavor to record as many species as possible in the vicinity of the U.S.-Mexico border.

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Local Community Group Succeeds with Judge’s Ruling to Restore Dunes
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Local Community Group Succeeds with Judge’s Ruling to Restore Dunes

A federal judge has ordered the municipal government to restore the coastal dunes of Playa Hermosa. The dunes were damaged during the construction of a skate park project which was ordered by Mayor Armando Ayala Robles without the required environmental authorizations.

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Earth Day!
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Earth Day!

April 22, 2024, we celebrate Earth Day—a day dedicated to honoring our planet and promoting environmental protection. As we come together to raise awareness about the importance of conservation, let us reflect on the impact of our actions on the Earth and commit to making positive changes for a sustainable future.

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Beach Gathering to Learn about Snowy Plover and Least Tern from Local Biologists
Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda Alianza de Conservación Punta Banda

Beach Gathering to Learn about Snowy Plover and Least Tern from Local Biologists

Many of us gathered on the beach on April 16 to learn about the endangered snowy plover, a tiny shorebird that nests on our local beaches and is highly vulnerable to humans, dogs, and pollution. We also learned about California least tern, another endangered bird nesting on our beaches.

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