Projects and Initiatives
Citizen Science on the Beach: Bird Mortality
Mujeres en Parvada, in conjunction with the Ensenada bird community, has noticed periods of high mortality of seabirds stranded on the local shores: terns, pelicans, gulls and cormorants, mainly. This project seeks to document and understand the causes of seabird mortality that we have been observing in recent months, through constant monitoring and recording.
Western Snowy Plover Nest Monitoring and Protection
This ongoing citizen science project involves the careful search for and recording of western snowy plover nests on the developed part of the beach of Lengueta Arenosa by trained volunteers.
Science for the People’s Beach Debris Clearance and Analysis
This ongoing citizen science project involves a monthly gathering located at Campo Mar Azul to gather all anthropogenic waste down to the size of .5 cm2 from the beach along a designated 212m long stretch of the beach of Lengüetta Arenosa. After the debris is collected it is categorized and cataloged.