Cardinal larkspur

Cardinal larkspur (Delphinium cardinale)

If you’re hiking the hills on the Punta Banda peninsula in June, you may come across a brilliant red larkspur growing on the chaparral lined slopes.  This is cardinal larkspur (Delphinium cardinalis), a native to coastal California and Baja. This larkspur grows up to about 6 feet in height and has scarlet sepals and petals with bright yellow on the top petals.

The genus name “Delphinium” comes from the Greek word “delphis,” meaning dolphin, referring to the flower bud shape of some species. This species name “cardinalis,” of course, alludes to the vibrant red of a cardinal.

Cardinal larkspur can be cultivated and it makes a showy addition to native gardens and hummingbird-friendly landscapes.

Next time you explore the rugged beauty of Punta Banda, keep an eye out for this captivating native larkspur!


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